Proven Screening specializes in background checks for care providers, schools, daycare centers and small businesses. We’ve taken the headache out of the process by providing a streamlined online experience. Get fast, accurate results online!
Proven Screening specializes in background checks for care providers, schools, daycare centers and small businesses. We’ve taken the headache out of the process by providing a streamlined online experience. Get fast, accurate results online!
Frequently Asked
Q: How will I receive my results?
A: Results will be sent to the email you provided to Proven Screening upon setting up your account.
Q: Are transactions secure?
A: Proven Screening takes the protection of sensitive information very seriously. Credit card numbers are never stored in our system and we utilize cutting-edge encryption technology to provide safe and secure transactions.
Q: Can I submit a request 24/7?
A: Yes! Proven Screening had made our application process completely digital so a request can be submitted any time at your convenience